What do you think about the upcoming federal elections?

It seems the liberals/democrats/ socislists are trying very hard to force their anti-Trump agendas on all Americans and suppress all views that don’t conform to theirs.

One of the things they are trying to push onto all Americans is open borders to aid and abet millions more illegal aliens to enter our country and deplete the already dwindling resources that our citizens and legal immigrants can’t get.  Gavin Newsom, running for California governor, wants to give illegal aliens more incentive to come here by giving them all free health care. He’s already bankrupting San Francisco Francisco by doing this. Of course the American middle class will pay for the latest rounds of these handouts if Newsom is elected.

The current governor is openly violating federal law by turning California into a “sanctuary state” and allowing illegal aliens to be employed as well as housing them and protecting them from federal law enforcement.  His “sanctuary state” policy costs taxpayers even more as more illegal aliens sneak into or country because they know they will never be prosecuted in California and other states that have similar policies.

Clearly, neither represent many voters in California. However, they aren’t the only ones not doing the jobs they were elected to do.  Both California senators and many state and fedral representatives don’t actually represent the citizens and legal immigrants of California either.

Many Californian politicians not only support, but also actively encourage violence from racist hate groups such as blm and antifa. These groups use intimidation, coercion, and violence as  means to further lliberal/democrat/socialist agenda. As a note of interest, according to The Daily Caller, both groups are financially supported by billionaire socialist George Soros.

Another item on the agenda’s list is to abolish I.C.E. in order to protect violent illegal aliens. The politicians blatantly lie when they claim that I.C..E. agents separate families and use these lies as justification for eliminating this branch of law enforcement. They already refuse to cooperate with I.C.E and go out of their way to interfere with thei lawful work of those agents. As an example, in the “sanctoary city” of Oakland, the mayor warned illegal aliens of pending I.C.E. raids which put officers’ lives in danger and allowed the violent ones to escape. Clearly, she doesn’t care about the law abiding people of Oakland who are being victimized because of her criminal actions.

What benefit is there to do these things for illegal aliens? The answer is simple; to get more votes for the liberal/democrat/socialist party. San Francisco has already given voting rights to illegal aliens. Citizens’ and legal immigrants’ votes are nullified by illegal aliens’ votes. If election meddling is such that the outcome of an election is changed by foreign influence, then that is, by definition, exactly what occurs when illegal aliens vote in our elections.

So what can be done about these politicians? Vote them out of office! Don’t let their hate groups intimidate or coerce you into voting for them.  Vote for candidates that will put an end to everything the liberal/democrat/socialist party has already forced on us and plan on forcing on us if they remain in office.


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