Fox News Channel Supports Discrimination

I recently emailed Fox News Channel (FNC) about one of their sponsors: Wounded Warrior Project (WWP).
I emailed FNC about this issue and received no response, but there were no further WWP commercials shown until today on the “Shepard Smith Reporting” show.
For a person that claims to stand up for what’s right, Shepard Smith seems to not care that these ads are run on his show. It is clear that FNC only cares about revenues despite their on-air personalities’ claims to the contrary.
Please contact all networks that air WWP commercials and demand they stop supporting blatant discrimination against elder veterans by no longer allowing sponsorship by the WWP.
Another step is to stop donating to this “charity” until they change their policy of discrimination and issue a public apology to veterans of all ages.

3 Replies to “Fox News Channel Supports Discrimination”

  1. FNC has increased the number of WWP commercials since I contacted them a third time. They talk as if they(FNC) support our military and veterans, but their actions clearly show that they do not!
    Boycott FNC and WWP!

  2. FNC has increased the number of WWP commercials since I contacted them a third time. They talk as if they(FNC) support our military and veterans, but their actions clearly show that they do not!
    Boycott FNC and WWP!

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