Just as with the 2016 presidential election, the democraps (no, it’s not misspelled: it’s what I call those morons.) and Berkeley freaks (liberals, progressives, and socialists) are losing their minds again.
This time it is because of the results of the Mueller investigation showing no collusion and no obstruction of justice against President Trump.
I’m certain, however, the aforementioned losers will soon again begin rioting, looting, destruction, and persecuting and assaulting real American citizens and other forms of lawlessness across the country as they often do. (This is what they refer to as peaceful protesting.) These racist, sexist, ageist, anti semitic, anti christian, self entitled, whiney idiots are spurred on to commit these outrageous blatantly illegal acts by others of their kind in the media, congress, and senate.
With that being said, the democraps are vowing to continue the unwarranted and possibly illegal harassment and investigations of President Trump while doing none of the work they are paid to do. They’ve already wasted at least $25,0000,000 on an illegal investigation which turned out to vindicate the President. Now they will waste millions more in taxpayer money to continue their witch hunt.
Those that need to be investigated and prosecuted are the people that are involved with initiating and conducting a overtly illegal, politically motivated investigation into then presidential candidate and now President: Donald Trump.
Of course we all know there will never be any prosecution of these criminals because they are being protected by their co-conspirators from various levels and departments of the state and federal government. This includes the FBI, the DOJ, the FISA court, congress, senate, and even the Trump administration as well as the former Obama administration which also includes the Clinton campaign and foundation.
This attempted coup was, in short, treason against the United States and must be dealt with as such and in the most deliberste and serious manner. Doing nothing is not only a crime against our country, but it also allows this evil to be done again since there will be no consequences in doing so.
If you believe in the rule of law and in your constitution which guarantees your rights and freedoms, then you must contact your representatives at all levels of the government and demand these traitors be found out, prosecuted, and imprisoned.