It seems one or more of our registered users don’t understand the spirit and intent of this blog. Continue reading “Policy Clarification”
Another reason to defend your second amendment rights.
According to a 2017 report by the Bureau of Justice, the average response time for the police to arrive at a nonfatal violent crime scene after someone calls 911 is ten minutes. Continue reading “Another reason to defend your second amendment rights.”
War on Domestic Terrorism?
Our military is constantly fighting wars (which were mostly started illegally by past presidents) against terrorists in foreign countries thousands of miles from our borders and we patriotic Americans fully appreciate and support each member of our military. Continue reading “War on Domestic Terrorism?”
Illegal Aliens in the United States
There are literally millions of illegal aliens in the United States and, by definition, they are all breaking federal immigration laws and are all criminals. Continue reading “Illegal Aliens in the United States”
What do you think about the upcoming federal elections?
It seems the liberals/democrats/ socislists are trying very hard to force their anti-Trump agendas on all Americans and suppress all views that don’t conform to theirs. Continue reading “What do you think about the upcoming federal elections?”
Welcome To The Freedom Of Speech Blog!
Welcome one and all to the website dedicated to all voices. No matter what you wish to say and no matter how you wish to say it, you will not be censored. Continue reading “Welcome To The Freedom Of Speech Blog!”