Policy Clarification

It seems one or more of our registered users don’t understand the spirit and intent of this blog.

This blog is to be utilized for the free exchange of ideas and opinions. It was created in response to the many popular social networks that are run by liberals/progressives and others which censor views and opinions of their users that don’t agree with their own views, opinions, and agendas.

This blog is NOT to be used for posting commercial advertising of any kind. Any posts that are used to advertise commercially will be deleted. While commercial advertising is a (restricted) form of protected speech, it isn’t appropriate on this noncommercial blog.

You may refer to a website or business (without posting its url or contact information) if it relates to the subject you are writing about. You may post a link to a website only if you are citing the relevant information on a specific webpage in the link in  order to support the subject of your post.

You may talk about businesses and websites in the context of likes and/or dislikes and disseminating information (in a noncommercial manner) just as you may talk about any other subject.

Please use common sense when posting.

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